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Animal/Equine Chiropractic

Why Animal Chiropractic?

Schedule Now

Please call Dr. Ford to schedule your appointment (713) 955-7942


Click to read if your animal(s) could benefit from chiropractic

Consent Forms

Click to download the required forms for Dr. Ford to treat your animal(s)

Dr. Stephen Ford became a certified animal chiropractor by the Animal Chiropractic Certification Commission (ACCC) of the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA) in 2016.  This practice, service, and certification is in no way associated with the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners (TBCE).  The TBCE does not support the practice of animal chiropractic by a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic in the state of Texas.  Therefore, the TBCE has no liability for Dr. Ford’s practice of animal chiropractic.  More information on Dr. Ford’s certification and the AVCA can be found at

“In order for Dr. Stephen Ford to perform alternative therapies (Chiropractic Adjustments) to your animal, a GENERAL Supervision request for alternative therapies MUST be completed and signed by both the owner and the veterinarian.

Services We Provide

Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic Care
Sports Chiropractic
Sports Therapy and Rehab
Animal Chiropractic
Animal Chiropractic
ARP Treatment
ARP Wave Therapy
Forrest Whitley
Sports Performance
Health with a First Class Service
Concierge Club
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