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Animal Chiro Benefits

Animal Chiropractic

Benefits for using an AVCA-certified Animal Chiropractor

The American Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA) provides assurance to the client that the certified provider is either a licensed  doctor of chiropractic (DC) or doctor of veterinary medicine (DVM) who has completed an intensive post-graduate course of study and passed written and practical examination testing the doctors knowledge and ability to accurately find and treat a chiropractic subluxation.  Unlike some so-called “animal-spine adjusters” who are practicing having taken maybe a one-weekend course on “how to adjust”, AVCA-certified doctors not only know how to adjust, they also know WHAT to adjust, WHEN to adjust it, and perhaps most importantly know WHEN NOT to adjust.  The licensed doctor understands the importance of working with your vet to provide appropriate care in all situations, and they have spent over 200 hours studying anatomy, physiology, and pathology of animals, vastly increasing their knowledge of the “inner-workings” of your animal beyond what a person can learn in a program taught as a single weekend course.  In addition, to maintain accreditation, AVCA doctors must ensure they meet the required continuing education requirements to stay certified; this guarantees your animal spine adjuster stays current with the latest in chiropractic education and techniques.

Chiropractic care is appropriate treatment for:

  • Neck, back leg and tail pain
  • Muscle spasms, nerve problems
  • Disc problems, joint problems, limping
  • Injuries from slips, falls, accidents
  • Unwilling to turn head and neck in a certain direction
  • Jaw or TMJ problems, difficulty chewing
  • Event or sport injuries
  • Post-surgical care
  • Competitive, athletic events
  • Maintenance of joint and spinal health
  • Change in attitude/behavior
  • Bucking, rearing, or refusals when under saddle
  • Not performing at his/her top level
  • Trips/stumbles frequently
  • Head-tossing
  • Bit-chewing
  • Refusal to train
  • Reluctance to saddle, bridle or accept bit
  • Refusal to lift feet
  • Lameness at a walk, trot, canter or gallop
  • Favors one lead
  • Counter-canters frequently on one lead
  • Won’t come up from turn-out
  • Doesn’t run/play at turn-out 
  • Recent falls/injuries
  • Recently had teeth floated
  • Won’t allow ears to be touched
  • Uneven shoe wear
  • Flinching when touched along spine
  • Had problems getting up and down?
  • Competed in athletic or sporting events?
  • Been anesthetized for surgery?
  • Had seizures or neurological problems?
  • Reached age seven or more?
  • Gone longer than a year without a chiropractic evaluation?

If you answered YES to even ONE of these questions, then animal chiropractic can help your pet.

Schedule Now

Please call Dr. Ford to schedule your appointment (713)955-7942


Click to read if your animal(s) could benefit from chiropractic

Consent Forms

Click to download the required forms for Dr. Ford to treat your animal(s)

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